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List of VARNA parameters and their default value that can be passed as keyword arguments to BasicDraw.update(). The name of keyword argument is listed in the name column in each table.

COLOR_LIST: list module-attribute

Allowed options for basic color setting

Name Object in panel Default Color
backbone Phosphate-sugar backbone (aka skeleton) of the RNA

Cottonwood Gray #595959

background Background color used within the panel


baseInner Inner base color

White Smoke #F2F2F2

baseName Nucleotide name

Black #000000

baseNum Base numbers

Vibrant Black #3F3F3F

baseOutline Outer base color

Cottonwood Gray #595959

bp Base-pair color

Blue #0000FF

nsBasesColor Non-standard bases (Anything but A, C, G or U)

White Smoke #F2F2F2

BOOLEAN_OPTIONS: list module-attribute

Boolean option list

Name Option Default
autoHelices Annotates each and every helix in the RNA with a unique Hn label False
autoInteriorLoops Annotates each and every interior loop of the RNA with a unique In label False
autoTerminalLoops Annotates each and every terminal loop of the RNA with a unique Tn label False
drawBackbone Backbone drawing True
drawBases Displays the outline of a nucleotide base True
drawNC Displays non-canonical base-pairs True
drawTertiary Display of non-planar base-pairs, i.e. pseudoknots 1 True
fillBases Fill bases True
flat In radiate drawing mode, redraws the whole structure, aligning to a baseline the base featured on the exterior loops (aka "dangling ends") True

  1. Since there is no canonical definition of pseudoknotted portions, a maximal planar subset is extracted from the input structure, defined to be the planar portion, and used as a scaffold for the drawing algorithms. 

NUMERIC_PARAMS: list module-attribute

Allowed numeric parameters

Name Type Description Default
border (int, int) Sets the width and height of the panel border, i.e. the gap between the panel boundaries and those of the surface used to draw the RNA. Border setting is ignored if it's smaller than RNA draw. N/A
bpIncrement float In linear drawing mode, defines the vertical increment used to separate two successive, nested base-pairs 0.65
periodNum int Sets the interval between two successive base numbers. More specifically, if k is the period, then the first and last bases of the RNA are numbered, along with each base whose number is a multiple of k 10
resolution float Chooses the resolution of a bitmap PNG export, i.e. the multiplier in the number of pixels in each dimension of the exported picture. 1
rotation float Rotates the whole RNA of a certain angular increment 0
spaceBetweenBases float Sets the distance between consecutive bases 1
zoom float Defines the level of zoom and zoom increment used to display the RNA within this panel (min:0.5, max:60) 1


There are two VARNA parameters, algorithm and bpStyle, takes value from defined options.

BP_STYLES = ['none', 'simple', 'rnaviz', 'lw'] module-attribute

Allowed options for base-pair style (bpStyle), default value is lw

Label Description
none Base-pairs are not drawn, but can be implicitly seen from "ladders", i.e helix structures
simple A simple line is used to draw any base-pair, regardless of its type
rnaviz A small square is drawn at equal distance of the two partners
lw Both canonical and non-canonical base-pairs are rendered according to the Leontis/Westhof nomenclature (Default)


>>> BasicDraw.update(bpStyle="simple")

ALGORITHMS = ['line', 'circular', 'radiate', 'naview'] module-attribute

Allowed options for drawing algorithms (algorithm) are line, circular, radiate, and naview. The default value is radiate.


>>> BasicDraw.update(algorithm="line")